Hello, good hunter, I’m j1ndoSH a blue teamer with an equal passion for all things red team related. And this is my attempt at creating my own “digital garden”-esque journal on the internet.
What will I find here?
The broad answer to this question is “IT security content”.
Currently a large part of the entries on this page will be related to Hack The Box content, since this is were I currently spend most of my free time on. In the future I want to try and branch out and expand the topics covered on this page. But the overarching theme will always be “purple” so healthy balance of defensive and offensive IT security content.
But why?
While I was fine with my notes being stored locally, only accessible to myself I noticed that they had turned somewhat illegible. When I wanted to discuss older notes I was often stumped with what myself from the past wrote down. Hence this journal was born, an attempt at improving the quality of my notes by publishing them on the internet. Overtime I also hope to get a deeper understanding of all the topics covered here, by writing them down in a way that other people might derive value from.
About the journal itself
This journal / digital garden is created using a combination of Quartz and Obsidian. The latter is make daily note taking application where I document all sorts of things. The former is a highly customizable static side generator that is capabale of working with Obsidian-flavored Markdown. This allows to only make minimal changes to my notes before I can publish them here. Thankfully Quartz is very well documented, which enabled to customize this blog to my liking. This includes the Gruvbox theme, default darkmode, my picture in the top right and some minor adjustments for mobile users.
If you decide to stay here a little longer these shortcuts might come in handy.
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Opens the tag-searchbarBoth searchbars can be navigated using Tab/Shift+Tab or the up/down arrow keys.
(just look a little bit further down)